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Drain Camera Inspection in Phoenix

Most people would be surprised to learn that one of the most essential tools in the plumbing industry isn’t a wrench or a pipe cutter, but a video camera!

Clogged pipes can often be attributed to the usual suspects like mineral buildup, food waste, hair, or other small objects, but without the luxury of actually seeing inside the pipes, identifying the problem is still guesswork. The other option? Digging up yards or driveways in order to access a property’s pipes. To say the least, either option is less than ideal.

Today’s technology has allowed plumbing technicians to see inside pipes by utilizing small video cameras which have been designed specifically for use in pipes and drains.

How Does It Work?

The video cameras utilized in the plumbing industry are designed for heavy duty recon work. These waterproof devices are attached to a drain snake, and many are even equipped with their own light sources to illuminate the issues in your plumbing system.

Once inserted, these cameras show exactly what’s lurking in pipes and drains on a video monitor so plumbers can accurately diagnose the problem and determine an efficient and effective solution. No guessing necessary.

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Advantages of Video Drain Camera Inspections


Help Diagnose the Issue

Video cameras are great for finding the cause of your plumbing issues, but their benefits go well-beyond just figuring out why things aren’t functioning as they should. In fact, they could save you from a major headache.


Prevent Future Problems

Video inspections not only give you a visual depiction of what’s causing your current problem, but also help identify future ones, too. This allows for the appropriate steps to be taken before a major a more expensive and inconvenient repair is needed. Things like corrosion, tree root damage, and other piping complications aren’t always noticed until it’s too late. With camera inspections, you’ll be able to take the necessary action to prevent further damage.


Be Proactive

Additionally, these inspections help find areas of your system that could use a little extra. Even minor blockage and clogging can cause disruption, so it’s best to eliminate debris as soon as it’s found.

Home Buying Inspection Implications

Most prospective homebuyers understand that inspecting a property thoroughly prior to purchasing is critical to protecting their investment. Though traditional inspection services may provide important information regarding the structural, foundational, and electrical integrity of a building, problems with the piping systems may go overlooked without the proper tools for the job.

A video camera inspections allows for the peace of mind that comes with knowing your home is in good repair – both above ground and below. Not only can this save you a significant amount of money, it can also help prevent future headaches that involve tearing up yards, driveways, among other areas, in order to gain access to piping systems.

In addition, video drain inspection may help you file a homeowner’s insurance claim in the case of malfunctioning pipes or drains. Armed with video evidence, you can make claim with confidence knowing that there’s less room for interpretation of the facts. We have the ability to access and send footage from any inspection, which you may keep for later use should it become necessary.

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Could You Benefit from a Video Drain Inspection?

Now that you’re learned why video camera drain inspections are such a valuable tool, could your property benefit from taking advantage of this service? The peace of mind that comes with knowing exactly what’s going on within your system is invaluable, and identifying small issues before they turn into big problems can save you countless dollars.

If you have questions about video drain inspections or need a quote for your system, get in touch by calling 602-962-3668 is or contact us online today for more information.

Save Even More with Special Offers

A complete sense of comfort shouldn’t be out of anyone’s budget. Moon Valley Plumbing lightens the load with seasonal promotions, discounts and other special offers. These offers help lower costs for key services, new equipment or whatever else you need for your comfort and peace of mind. Check out our current offers for more details on how to save.

Committed to Comfort from the Very Start

While a long history of service is impressive, nothing is more important to customer satisfaction than a dedication to total comfort. Moon Valley Plumbing considers your peace of mind our top priority, and that hasn’t changed since we first opened our doors. Learn more about our history, and how our communities support us just as much as we support you.